More than a think tank, AFKAR Institute is a collaborative space to reimagine the relevance of the Quranic vision.

AFKAR Institute aims to transcend traditional scholarship. We convene diverse minds to forge actionable insights – rooted in the Quranic worldview – that address challenges shaping our modern world.

Stagnation vs. Dynamic World

Islamic scholarship often remains confined to historical analysis or purely theological debate. In contrast, our rapidly evolving global society demands contemporary perspectives rooted in both tradition and the urgent issues of today.

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Missed Potentials

The Quranic vision offers a rich ethical and intellectual wellspring. Yet, its relevance to fields like technology, sustainable development, and social justice often remains untapped.

AFKAR’s Approach

Interdisciplinary Convergence

AFKAR Institute bridges the divide between Islamic thought and cutting-edge fields. Our team brings together economists, AI specialists, ecologists, Islamic scholars and more fostering groundbreaking research.

Real-World Application

We move beyond theory, actively seeking practical solutions inspired by Quranic principles. Our research aims to create impact and foster meaningful contributions to global challenges.

Indonesian Lens, Global Reach

Grounded in Indonesia’s unique context, AFKAR generates insights relevant to both the diversity of the Muslim world and broader society. We actively promote dialogue and bridge-building across faiths and cultures.

Our Unique

Core Values

Commitment to Tradition & Discovery

We are firmly grounded in the Islamic intellectual tradition. At the same time, we maintain an open and inquisitive spirit to explore new frontiers of knowledge.


We adopt a multidimensional approach spanning theology, humanities, social sciences, arts and STEM fields. This allows us to appreciate the interconnectedness of Islam’s contributions.


We disseminate our work not just through academic publications but also creative educational resources, public events and media engagement.

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Enrich Your Understanding of Islamic Civilization with AFKAR Institute

Explore our diverse programs and dive into the depths of Quranic insights. Join us in this transformative journey today.

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